Monday, October 27, 2008

And It Has Begun

The lights have started going up. I'm MUCH further ahead this year so far than I have ever been. There is a particular way that I usually do updates on blogs when I'm updating for Christmas display progress (though they are gone since the PC blogs went away, and then came back, and now I'm posting here instead).

As of Thursday, 10/23/08 (official start date)

Number of Christmas Lights Hung Today: 0
Number of Strobes Hung Today: 22
Number of Christmas Lights Up: 0
Number of Strobes Up: 22
Total Number of Lights Up: 22
Anticipated Number of Christmas Lights: 36, 508
Anticipated Number of Strobes: 210
Anticipated Total Number of Lights: 36,718

(there's more, but I'll put it at the official bottom of this post)

As of Saturday, 10/25/08:

Number of Christmas Lights Hung Today: 1,400
Number of Strobes Hung Today: 0
Number of Christmas Lights Up: 1,400
Number of Strobes Up: 22
Total Number of Lights Up: 1,422
Anticipated Number of Christmas Lights: 36,508
Anticipated Number of Strobes: 210
Anticipated Total Number of Lights: 36,718

As of Sunday, 10/26/08 (finally caught up):

Number of Christmas Lights Hung Today: 7,340
Number of Strobes Hung Today: 10
Number of Christmas Lights Up: 8,740
Number of Strobes Up: 32
Total Number of Lights Up: 8,772
Anticipated Number of Christmas Lights: 36,508
Anticipated Number of Strobes: 210
Anticipated Total Number of Lights: 36,718

As of 12:44 AM on Monday, October 27,2008:

Days Until Lightup: 31
Days Until Christmas: 59
Days Until Last Night For Lights: 65